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Important SEO trends of 2019

        Ø   What does your audience need? Does your audience prefer text? Images? Video? Audio. Knowing this will all be more important than ever in 2019. Ø   Don't Limit your results to only Google Search SEO will not just be about how to optimize for Google, but we will have to take into account these other ‘engines’ like Bing, Yahoo, etc. SEO is about the results that people search in any place or any term– It's not just getting your result on 1st position on the SERP So you must learn how to drive traffic and engagement for things other than just websites. Ø   Key to Better AI is Structured Data Mark-up. If Google moves from a mobile-first to an AI-first world, structured data is key. No matter how good your AI is, if it takes too long to ‘crawl’ the required information, it will never be great. AI requires fast processing of contents and their relations to each other. Ø   Content is King, creating o...
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New content suggestion tool For LinkedIn Company Pages

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Top Digital Marketing Institutes in Bangalore

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What is Digital Marketing? Career growth opportunities in Digital Marketing

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